Monday, June 3, 2013

York to Lanchshire

Shops in York - dating back to 1300's
I am slowly managing to solve the intricacies of the British Rail System, and yesterday, with two train changes made my way from Cambridge to York.  I am staying here with a fellow family tree researcher in her delightful Victorian home which is a short walk from the centre of the city. Her home, built in 1823, is 3 stories with a beautiful overgrown cottage garden in the front and back.

The afternoon was spent in the back garden with her family members celebrating her birthday.  Then in the evening she escorted me on a twilight walking tour of the city, through the narrow winding streets, along turreted walls and past old roman ruins.  The city centre was a buzz with groups of tourists being led on ghost tours, by a number of dramatic and enthusiastic guides. A fitting end to the tour was a bowl of hot salty chips and a glass of wine at one of the old pubs.

This morning I am again sitting in the back garden.  Perfect day!!! There is a soft buzz of bees and every now and then, the scent of roses wafts past my nose.  Who said England was cold and wet!
Back garden in York

At this present moment, my friend is putting together her research notes, maps and folders of family information and soon we will head off on the big part of our adventure. Lancashire.  A large itinerary of events has been planned which include visiting family farms, parish churches  and other relevant family haunts!


  1. Sounds idyllic. op e you make lots of discoveries on your adventure

  2. Hi Jill
    We have had a very intense three days, with some wonderful discoveries and serendipitous moments. I have lots of stories to write over the next couple of days.
